Friday, January 13, 2012

Wow this is old. Hard to believe how things have changed. WE left the Haute 5 1/2 years ago. It still feels like home at times. The memories will forever be in our hearts. We have heard of many tragedies there. From the levys breaking and much flooding to the deaths of Noah Worthington and Brent Long. Families who were are part ofour daily lives and touched us are now struggling with the loss of their loved one and we are so far away. We are now expecting our 5th child and completing our family. We are entering a new phase inour lives as we prepare to give away baby items and welcome the teen years. Why is it the children seem to listen better then the teenager. Oh well. I will cherish these moments because they will soon be over.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

The days are long and hot in the South Pacific. Josh was able to take a week off from work while the boys were on Holiday and we enjoyed or vacation together. We ventured to the beach with friends and spent time at home playing games and watching movies. We even did our new traditional family sleep over on the living room floor with our mattresses. We were unable to do the sliding rock because of the flooding from rain but we did go to the pool cave and jump into the water before another storm forced us to go home early. Recent storms have brought relief with cool rain and winds. The boys have returned to school and Maria is trying to get the house back in order. Josh stills enjoys work even though he hasn't been in the ocean with the boys for a couple of weeks now. The humidity of Terre Haute summers has definitely made life here easier. As long as I can feel a breeze I am fine. The temperature doesn't seem to be as high as it is. Reportedly we are in the 90's but it seems like 80's to me. We are very blessed that we haven't had any typhons hit this summer, although they have hit neighboring islands.

Sunday, December 3, 2006


The last few months our lives have completely changed. Although we thought we were prepared for what awaited us in the South Pacific, we definately entered another world. As we traveled from the airport the morning sun shone on people getting ready for the day in their open falles (homes without walls). Chickens, dogs and pigs roamed freely and large concrete tombs decorated their front yards for those of high respect in the villages. I was in shock. The food I was accustomed to my whole live was gone or was hard to find with a high expense. For the first 3 months we lived on hotdogs until I was able to adjust and be creative in my cooking. My world had completely changed, by the second week Austin and Jackson were in school all day long and we didn't have a vehicle. I looked back at a calender of April, and May where most of the days were marked with one event or another. Sept had no marks. My life had stopped. or so I thought.
The Lord is constantly watching over us and without disctractions I could see his hand in everything. Somedays I would pray for a way to get my children to and home from school, other days I would pray for food and a means to get to it, even if it meant walking, there were several times we prayed for the miracle of healing when our children had illnesses. Through this I knew the Lord was with us.
Josh has adjusted well. He drives by the ocean for half an hour each day and his office over looks the ocean as well. He definately appriciates the beauty of the world here. He has been to the reef many times and has fulfilled his dream to swim with the fish.
Austin and Jackson are doing well in school. It seems so weird to have to place sunblock on them to go school and antibotic ointment, antifungal cream and baby powder on them each night before bed. We only used misquito repellant for the first two weeks until both bottles were empty. They now are learning not to itch. They are slowing learning Samoan and love to sing their house chants.
Hyrum is just growing big and is pretty obiendiant for a 2 year old. He attracts so much attention with his blonde hair and smile. The Samoans adore him. He is a novelity here.
My greatest strength here comes from my knowledge of the gospel and the compassion of the Lord in giving us the things we need. The encouragement of family and friends has helped me to remember who I am and the things the Lord expects me to do. Thank you for your love and support. Love, the Campbells